It’s a presentation day! Since we (Alia, Izza & Izzy) are Group 1, our topic is about 21st Century Skills. Actually, there was a draw lot to decide the sequence of the presentation. But, I don’t know why, the three of us still got that legend number – 1. Nevermind, being first doesn’t always mean the worst presentation, right? Supposedly, for each group the given time only 15 minutes. But then, since all of us were too excited to share the findings, it goes on and on for 30 minutes each group. Whoops! Dr. Fariza even said that never in the history of computer in education of course in the class she taught, the presentation took from the beginning of time till the end of the class. I took it as a compliment*clap your hands, peeps!
In the last reflection, I had already reflected on the 21st Century Skills education but not fully enough. Overall from the presentation, I can say that there have been a lot of changes in our education system this past few years. Nowadays, learning is comprised of formal and informal. The terms formal and informal here have nothing to do with the formality of the learning, but rather with the direction of who controls the learning objectives and goals. In addition, they are the Generation Z. The learning process solely in the classroom has never been enough for them anymore. Besides, in this era we have been exposed to various new terms, for example, flipped classroom, blended and mobile learning and e-Learning. Also, another important thing is the assessment is no longer exam oriented. Instead, it is formative where it enables the educators to evaluate the progress of the learners from time to time. By doing this, I think it is much more applicable and relevant in the present context and period because exam orientation is totally outdated.
Next, we ought to acknowledge that ICT is a matter of culture, not some kind of diseases that damage young people today. Also, these days, learning is becoming more and more dynamic because of the fast development of ICT tools and devices that allow them to be multi-tasking. Knowledge also is no longer in school textbooks or in the teacher’s brain but is accessible through numerous channels. What’s more, within the emergence of technology and few new ways of learning, the term self-paced learning also popped up. Through reading a couple of articles, I found that self-paced learning here means that learners have the opportunity to complete their learning in any setting, at home, on the road, or anyplace that has internet connections. In fact, the student is more relaxed and can concentrate on their learning better. Also, it can progress at a pace that suits the learner. Fast learners who work at a fast pace have the opportunity to gain competency quickly while slow learners have the opportunity for repetition without being pushed ahead too quickly.
To recapitulate, there are lots of skills presented in the framework of 21st Century Skills but the main focus is on 4’C (Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity). What I can conclude is that the 21st Century Skills is about being true to self, being assertive and being proud of the gifts as to illuminate a path on which all of us will spend the rest of our life. Because at the end of the day, facts and memorization will bring you nowhere. Thus, the educators need to implement and improved the 21st Century Skills to prepared the youngster adequately for college and work. This is due to the fact that without these skills, they will not be able to successfully participate in the global economy.
All the love - A.