Hello everyone. This is the reflection for Week 11! Wowwwww. Time sure flies by fast. Anyway, today is another presentation day! So, basically everyone presented their own dream place and mine is LONDON! Hopefully, one fine day I can go there.
Let move to the discussion session. This week, we learnt about the elements of multimedia. Of course with the help of Mr. Google, I managed to find the information on how they differ from one another. There are FIVE (5) elements of multimedia, namely
The first element is TEXT, in which is the most basic element of multimedia that contains words to express something. It involves the use of text types, sizes, colours and background colour. Second, GRAPHICS make the multimedia application attractive by illustrating ideas through still (static) pictures. Third, a multimedia application may also require the use of speech, music and sound effects. These are called AUDIO or the sound element. There are two basic types of audio or sound: analog and digital audio. Fourth, VIDEO provides a powerful impact in a multimedia program. Common digital video formats include Flash, MPEG, AVI, and WMV. However, it is limited in resolution and size. Last but not least, ANIMATION; a process of making a static image look like it is moving. It then can be categorized into three broad areas: 2D (2 Dimension), 3D (3 Dimension) and 4D (4 Dimension).

Next, just like the previous week, before the class dismissed, Dr, Fariza assigned us with another assignment where we (Aifa, Izza & Izzy) have to create a storyboard and script about 21 Century Skills. She then went on elaborating more about the importance of having the storyboard where it is the best way to share the vision, makes production much easier and saves the time.
So, what is a storyboard? A storyboard is a graphic representation of how the video will unfold, shot by shot. It is made up of a number of squares with illustrations or pictures representing each shot, with notes about what's going on in the scene and what's being said in the script during that shot.
Therefore, let's create one, peeps!
That's all I got for now. All the love - A.